Saturday, April 7, 2007

Priests in Plate

It always amuses me to see plate classes whine about caster damage.
"Zee armor does nothing!" they say.
Or sometimes, "Frostbolt for 2k! ... ON PLATE! Ridiculous!"
But what these people never mention is how much physical damage plate armor and shields mitigate. Sure, half the time you're getting reamed by frostbolts, but the other half of the time, you're mitigating approximately half the damage. I suppose I could let you guys in on a little secret: cloth gets owned by spell damage too. Did you think Pyroblasts did extra damage on warriors or something? Because that would be sooo unfair.
The fact is, cloth takes so much damage from everything that priests have to stack massive hitpoints and resilience (at the cost of other stats) to have a chance at surviving the melee damage that Paladins oh-so-casually mitigate. It's become so natural to Pallys that they sort of take it for granted. And every now and then, one of them will scream:

"By the Might of Menethil! A backstab crit for 1000 damage!"

Oh really? That's incredibly low. One time I was minding my own business at the corner of Telhamat and Honor Hold when I took a stray multi-shot to the face for 2300 damage. Guy wasn't even gunning for me, some Orc fella. Big shoulders.
"Zounds!" They say, "2000 damage! Only mages and locks hit me that hard!"
I know, Timmy, I know.

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