Sunday, May 20, 2007

On Fear

There was never really a problem with priest fear. Err, wait. Allow me to rephrase that -- there was never really a problem with alliance priest's fear.

And now there is.

Fear should not break before some mouse-clicking rogue finds his 'WotF' key. This *ACTUALLY* happened. It was on the PTR and I dot'd the guy and feared him and it broke before he finally found his WotF. Like a couple seconds after the fear broke he finally goes, Psssh! -- Will of the Forsaken noise -- and keyboard turns slowly, tosses a shuriken at me with deadly throw and starts whaling on me with this hammer. Man, it's like watching a retard play.

But first, let's get something straight. I don't have a barrage of fears, and I don't wear plate and charge into a group of people with an undispellable fear. When you get feared for 12 seconds, and then feared AGAIN, and then horrified, and then die a terrible death... that ain't me. That's some dude that actually deserves his nerf.
I only have cloth and a single fear to keep people at arm's length. Hell, even fire mages have blazing speed. Who the hell let those those book-burrowing geeks turn into track stars? Don't even get me started on frost mages with their fancy little frost shields vs. melee.
So. Fear.
Priests need something else.

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